Craigs Investment Partners

We asked a few women at Craigs some questions about themselves. They shared their view of success, learnings and some stereotypes/ biases they would like to break. Read what Investment Adviser April Eden had to say.


How do you help your clients? I work with clients to help increase their knowledge and understanding while on their financial stability journey.

What's your purpose from a career perspective? To help increase financial literacy in New Zealand and to be the financial constant in a clients' investment journey.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Growing with clients and seeing their knowledge and understanding increase over time.

To you success means: Supporting others to achieve their goals.

What is the best leadership or career advice you ever got? The most important supportive question a person can ask is ' How can I support you'.

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Who is someone who paved the way for you? Every person who has ever spoken up on behalf of a minority group.

What is something you wish you could have told your 20 year old self: Do not let anyone tell you to get back in your lane. Your lane is the lane you choose to be in, no one has the right to tell you otherwise.

Women who inspire you and why? Working single mums, I am lucky I have an extremely supportive husband, I could not imagine trying to have a career and be a single mum at the same time, hats off to you legends!

What advice would you give to women aspiring to be great leaders? Take all and any advice you can get, sign up for podcasts, events, conferences and the likes, overwhelm yourself with knowledge. Not all of it will relate now but who knows, down the track you might be grateful that you took on board that snippet of information.

What useful money lessons/advice do you try to instill in your children? Don't buy it today, if you still want it in a months time then go ahead. 9 times out of 10 they've forgotten they even wanted it before we have even left the shop!

What is the most valuable financial advice you ever got? If you cant afford to pay for the 'want' outright don’t buy it until you have the cash.

What has been your own journey with investing? I didn’t realise that sharemarket investing was a option to the 'everyday average' person. I always thought you had to have hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started. Then I found out about Craigs mySTART! Now a nice savings egg is ticking along!

What would you say to someone considering investing, but is a bit anxious? Let's grab a coffee and have a chat!

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Home town: Hastings, England is where I was born but I consider Dunedin my true home.

How you made your first dollar: Walked into the local dairy for some lollies at 14, walked out with lollies and a job!

Favorite read? Harry Potter, I know, cliché millenial!

Favorite podcast? She's on the money

Motto you live by: Life's boring enough as it is without having to wear boring clothes.


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